Crawley initiative explores "What do we need art for?"

Artwork by Mary ModhaArtwork by Mary Modha
Artwork by Mary Modha
Alison Dollery and Sophie Nowakowska offer their Finding Place exhibition from March 22-25 at The Ancient Priors, 49-51 High Street, Crawley.

The initiative, supported by Crawley Borough Council and part of the WORDfest: Crawley's Festival of Words, opens up a conversation about "What do we need art for?" and is a testament to the commitment to bridging contemporary art with the local community, they promise.

Alison said: “The curatorial approach is rooted in the belief that art is a sanctuary, a medium for expressing the inexpressible. The exhibition will feature an eclectic mix of artistic mediums, each piece a narrative in its own right, reflecting the profound connection between art and the spaces it inhabits.”

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Participating artists are Mary Modha, Damaris Athene, Dora Perini, Elizabeth Rose Alster, Felicity Tallman, Marine Elliott and more.

“Art serves as a vital conduit for expressing the inexpressible. It's about communicating emotions, ideas, and experiences that often transcend the boundaries of language. This expression can manifest in myriad forms, from paintings and sculptures to music and literature, each medium offering a unique lens through which we can explore the human condition. The creation of art mirrors the act of building a home. Just as we adorn our living spaces with photographs, books and colours that resonate with our personal stories, art allows us to arrange and reinterpret our inner landscapes. These pieces are tangible representations of our joyous and sorrowful memories, scars, love, and relationship with our very selves. In this process, art becomes more than just an object or a performance; it transforms into a sanctuary. Whether it's a canvas smeared with paint, a melody woven through the air or the rhythm of well-crafted words, each piece contributes to a more significant, immersive experience. This artistic environment is akin to a home, providing a space of comfort and reflection, where one finds their place to explore and express their deepest thoughts and feelings.”