Plan submitted for new four-storey block of flats in Eastbourne

A proposal has been submitted to the council to build a new four-storey block of flats in Eastbourne which will have 13 one-bedroom units.

The plan is for land to the rear of 4-6 Whitley Road and also proposes to add associated parking, cycle storage and bin stores.

The site, which is 0.05 hectares, is currently a derelict unoccupied plot and will include four car parking spaces and 13 cycle spaces, if approved.

No new or altered pedestrian access has been proposed and, if built, the homes will fall under the category of market housing.

A previous application for the site had been refused as the proposal was deemed 'out of character of the area and would adversely affect the visual amenity of the area and neighbouring amenity', according to the new plan.

On the new plan it says: "The proposed design has been carefully considered to ensure it sits comfortably within its context and is appropriate in scale and form. We therefore hope that the council will be able to agree that there are no adverse impacts that would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of the scheme when assessed against the National Planning Policy Framework as a whole."

The proposal states that the location and position of the site has been careful considered in order to reduce any loss of privacy for the surrounding dwellings as the flats, which will be between 37-50 square metres each, would be between existing buildings.

The proposed dwellings would be built from sustainable sources where possible and all appliances within will be energy efficient. It is intended that materials and labour will also be sourced locally.

Mono pitched roofs have also been proposed and the plan says they will allow for the inclusion of Sedum green roofs which aim to reduce and slow down the surface water runoff and improve the thermal performance of the roofs as well as the biodiversity net gain.

A tree consultant company said there are no trees within the site that amount to a material consideration in connection with this project and none in adjacent properties that will be impacted by the development.

A decision is set to be made on the proposal, which has been submitted with the help of agent Knight Architectural Design, by January 24, 2024.