Warning after spate of lead thefts from buildings

Owners of premises at risk from metal thefts have been urged to be extra vigilant.

Homes, churches, schools, business premises and public buildings with lead have been targets of the thefts because of the recent increase in the price of scrap metal. Members of the public who live around or near vulnerable buildings have been asked by the police to keep a special lookout for suspicious activity and report it immediately.

A police spokeswoman said: 'For example, this could involve checking adjacent buildings if you get up in the night, or as you walk your dog, or drive past, or noting and reporting suspicious vehicles.

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'Owners of vulnerable premises can also take steps to tackle the problem and may consider installing a range of additional crime prevention measures and systems.'

These include knowing where the lead is, linking with the local Neighbourhood Watch group, using existing floodlighting on the area at risk, protecting easy to reach metal and using anti-vandal paint on structures above two metres high, with a sign warning about its presence.