LETTER: Total disregard for the community

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Congratulations to Horsham District Council for again showing total disregard for the requirements of the local community.

It is absolute disgrace that 18 months ago HDC was in advanced negotiations with our club to include new premises on the green land to the south which would provide six rink facility with fully dedicated changing rooms, toilets and catering – similar to, but less than, our current eight rink premises.

At least that proposal showed a willingness to retain our ability to continue with an established bowling club which could continue with our affiliation to the English Indoor Bowling Association for both men and women – this provides for our links with other clubs in the local circuit.

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Without changing rooms and lockers (for our bowls and kit) together with our current restaurant and bar which contribute financially toward our running costs, there is no way a decreased premises could provide what we require and where on earth did HDC think up the idea of a possible ice rink?

As a resident of Broadbridge Heath for nearly 50 years and now a widow in her 70s I joined the indoor bowls club five years ago because it provided local (I mean within WALKING distance) chance of gentle exercise, social interaction with both male and female company plus restaurant and bar facilities.

We are a successful bowling club of nearly 20 years standing and have managed and maintained the facility itself, paying nearly one million pounds to the council in rent.

We host groups ranging through the public, disabled, youth organisations, Blind Bowlers, Probus Clubs, U3A, the local Alzheimer’s Association, local schools, Scouts, Guides, etc, all organised and controlled by the bowls club at no cost to the council.

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HDC is once again reneging on its earlier promises made to HDIBC, effectively killing off a valid and successful sporting club – think again – better still, join and support us!


Wickhurst Lane, Broadbridge Heath