Footpath on the A21 at Whatlington

IN a previous letter to the Observer it was questioned as to the value of building this new foot-path footpath on the A21 at Whatlington where the author reports that people do not walk.

East Sussex County Council has done something positive as we now know that active travel, walking and cycling, has huge health benefits. A clear and maintained route will help people participate.

This footway is on the approach to Vinehall School so could be used by some pupils going to and from school. There is another primary school not far away.

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Obviously, at this stage there appears to be a lack of connectivity but you have to start somewhere.

It is important to point out with concerns about the A21 in last week’s edition and the general speed and “busyness” of the A21 that this was a wasted opportunity for a safe route for cyclists.

This section could have been a shared use path which could be used by walkers and cyclists, connecting quieter roads with traffic-free sections.

If small sections of the A21 can gradually have safe off-road sections then a real alternative to using a car will be created.

Sue Burton
