UFOs and the paranormal with Malcolm Robinson: Cellular memory - part 3

In the third and final part of Malcolm Robinson’s series on cellular memory, he investigates cloning and Kirlian photography.


If we took stem cells from a donor and used them to create another life form, would that cloned life form have a soul, a mind, childhood and adult memory?

Cloning another human being is not pie in the sky or some Frankenstein improbability; it’s something that is just around the corner.

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Dolly the sheep for instance was the first step on the cloning ladder, will a human being be next? Are we playing God, where does medical science breach what’s right and enter areas that to some, seem improper? And who decides this?

I have no problems with medical science trying to find cures for cancer and other human illnesses. Science is ever progressing and we will never stop those young entrepreneurs of the medical world having a go at medical issues. Fair play to them I say.

But do we create a Frankenstein monster by prying too deeply into areas that we really should leave alone? How far can things go? How far should things go?



Another interesting concept that was giving airtime on that TV show which brought me to write this piece was that of Kirlian photography. This is a photographic process that captures the auras or biofields of persons or objects within a photograph.

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What happens is the subject is photographed in the presence of a high frequency, high-voltage, low-amperage-electrical field, which shows glowing, multicoloured emanations which some class either as auras or biofield. These emanations can either be from a subject’s fingertips, or in some of the earlier classic examples, a part of a leaf was cut and then put under the Kirlian device, and much to the astonishment of those gathered, all could clearly see that although cut off, one could make out the ‘outline’ of the cut leaf in the Kirlian photograph. Kirlian photography was named after Seymon Kirlian, a novice amateur inventor and electrician of Krasnodar, Russia, who pioneered the first efforts on the process in the early 1940’s.

Is Kirlian photography a paranormal phenomenon then or is it something on the fringes of a science that we don’t fully comprehend? For me I think we are indeed photographing a bio field or aura of a human being. We are capturing the energy from ourselves (life force energy).

Kirlian studies have shown marked differences on certain individuals whose ‘before and after’ photographs showed them with very different ‘auric colours.’ This set the mark where Kirlian researchers could then detect when people were happy, sad, ill, or in good health all through their Kirlian photograph.

Of course something like this, although having been around since the 1940s, is still not readily accepted within the halls of medical science. Fringe science and belief systems are always up against it when it comes to claims such as this. But like I have said many times before, just because something ‘seems’ silly and ridiculous, does that necessarily mean that it is!

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Do we throw the baby out with the bathwater, because we don’t care to look that little bit further? Where would the pioneers of medical science and industry be if the likes of Marconi, John Logie Baird, the Wright Brothers etc just said, “Ah well, everyone is giving me a hard time saying that what I’m trying to do won’t work or won’t get off the ground, maybe they’re right, I’ll just pack it in”.

I hope the reader can see what I mean.

Science will never go forward if we turn our back on what ‘appears’ to be ridiculous. Some people laugh at UFO and paranormal researchers thinking we’re all a bunch of (to put it lightly) ‘nutters’. Well OK maybe some of them/us are. But in the main, UFO and paranormal researchers are just trying to find out what’s going on, to get to the truth and claims of UFO sightings/abductions and ghosts.

Researchers have to ride roughshod over comments by others, which can cause pain and anguish. One has to have a tough skin whilst working on fringe sciences. But for all that many stay the course because they ‘know’ that there is more to learn and that science does not in any way shape or form, know it all.

The planet Earth is but a school where each and every one of us is learning. We don’t all want to be soldiers, sailors or men of the cloth. Each one of us has their own direction in life. One should never knock another for their beliefs or aspirations.

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Life is partly about gathering information and the subject of cellular memory is as interesting as any number of fringe beliefs (if not more so). I say the above, as I mentioned this television programme to a work colleague the following day and she replied by saying, “What nonsense”. I questioned her as to why she felt it was nonsense, as she hadn’t watched the programme to reach that opinion. She replied with, “But it stands to reason doesn’t it? Something like this can’t happen.”

Oh the joys of one-sided blinkered opinion!

Professor Gary Swartz was interviewed on this TV show about cellular memory and amongst many other things he said, he mentioned this. If we look at the sky at night, what we are seeing is the light coming from stars and planets that exploded and died millions of years ago, and the light from their explosions is only now reaching us.

So in effect, energy, be it light or whatever, never dies, it moves forward. Another way to look at it would be this, when we heat a block of ice, what does it do? It melts into water, it changes. When a flower dies, is that it? No it returns the following year. When the leaves on a tree fall in the autumn, is that it? No they return again, a ‘different cellular rebirth occurs’. When a human being dies, what happens? Well that my friends is the base work of another article.



In summing up the above then, all I can say is that clearly there is something happening here, of that there is no doubt.

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Now whether this is just pure coincidence as Jeff Punch a transplant surgeon from the University of Michigan states, or indeed there really is some form of genetic cellular memory, which is deeply ingrained within the very fabric of the DNA, which makes up each and every one of us, is open to question.

We have the cases and I guess this is just the tip of the iceberg. I’m sure there are many more cases out there. What I will say is this. If this truly is cellular memory that’s giving recipients their ‘newly found’ thoughts and talents, then one must accept that this is a natural (if not wonderful) thing, it’s not spiritual and it’s not even paranormal. It’s purely the wonder of the human body and all its intricacies.

But then dear reader, who made the human body!



The first successful transplant of a living human kidney was in Boston in 1954.

Dr Christian Bernard completed the first successful heart transplant in South Africa in 1967.

© Strange Phenomena Investigations: Malcolm Robinson.


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