
ST MARY'S SUPPORTERS CLUB: Bingo nights are tonight, Friday; August 17 and 31. Cash prizes and raffle. Eyes down at 8.30pm and everyone welcome. There is another Family Night on August 24 and on August 25 there is a Race Night. Make a note of the dates.

CHRIST CHURCH: Christ Church Tots are on summer holidays until early September. We start our series of Messy Summer sessions today, Friday, from 10.30am to 1pm, where we offer craft sessions, worship and lunch. There will be further Messy Summer sessions on Friday August 17 and 31, with the latter also including a barbecue. The sessions are open to everyone. Come along and join the fun. Our Sunday morning service at 10.30am will be led by Gwyneth Watkinson. We also have a Music and Prayer service at 6.30pm on Sunday. Again, all are welcome to our services.

CONSIDERABLE HEAT: Here we are at the start of another month, where does the time go. We are lucky not to be caught up in the terrible fires that are raging around the world from the heat wave. I cannot imagine anything more terrifying and our thoughts are with them. A big problem here seems to be some people having garden parties incredibly loudly into the early hours of the morning with really bad language, which is not only offensive but it means you cannot enjoy sitting in your own garden or even indoors with all the windows open without having to listen to them and as for sleeping, forget it.