Football club bid to combat vandals

TEENAGE gangs and dog walkers could be barred from Hailsham Town Football Club.

A permanent security fence is likely to be built around the Beaconsfield, Hailsham.

The club hopes the fence will stop unwanted visitors wandering over the football ground.

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Teenagers have caused ongoing vandalism problems when they gather at night.

Dog walkers are also letting their pets foul the football pitch.

Ken McCreadie, club manager, said: 'The fence will be a deterrent for youngsters if they do try to get in.

'Dog walkers just go on the pitch and let dogs do it (foul] when they want.

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'The fence will cost 4,500 but we will be the people actually paying the bill.

'It is a lot of money but we are paying that out every year anyway to deal with the vandalism.'

Discussions are ongoing about where the boundary of the fence would lie.

A walkway could be installed around the perimeter of the fence for dog walkers to use.

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Hailsham town councillors discussed the Beaconsfield issues.

After the meeting, a council spokesman said: 'The Environment and Leisure Committee are in favour of closing off Beaconsfield as long as this doesn't conflict with any right of way.

'Karen Moralee, head of works, will be looking into this.'

The full town council will discuss the fencing on July 7.

A fence could also be installed at the nearby tennis club.

Teenage groups have caused minor damage at the tennis club in the past, according to police.

Fencing may be put up around the cricket pavilion on Western Road Recreation Ground.

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Burglars have tried breaking into the building on a number of occasions.

Footballs kicked against the building have caused some damage.

The cricket pitch itself is usually roped off.

Police reports of known Beaconsfield incidents:

'¢ Alcohol and a ticket machine stolen between March 23 and March 25 2008

'¢ A safe and 670 cash stolen on December 20 2007

'¢ A stand corner and wooden pallets set on fire, graffiti, litter and roof tiles ripped off between August 10 to August 11 2007

'¢ A trolley of newspapers set alight next to a burger hut on January 5 2007

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