Plan to build homes in Eastbourne back garden dismissed at appeal

A planning inspector has upheld a decision to refuse a controversial housing development in Eastbourne. 
Proposed plan for the new Eastbourne homesProposed plan for the new Eastbourne homes
Proposed plan for the new Eastbourne homes

In a decision published last week, a planning inspector has dismissed an appeal connected to an outline application to build three homes in the back garden of a property in Edensor Road. 

The original application was refused by Eastbourne Borough Council in July 2020 on the grounds that the houses would be discordant with the surrounding area and provide a poor quality living environment.

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The application had also seen some significant local objection, including from the Meads Community Association.

However, the applicant took a different view, arguing that the proposal would make good use of an otherwise underutilised site.

In documents submitted as part of the appeal, a spokesman for the applicant said: “We disagree with the council’s view that the development would create a poor quality living environment. 

“There is a good level of amenity space provided towards the rear of each dwelling and the design takes account of its context and position with the adjacent properties ensuring there is ample space provided between buildings, which again correlates with the existing pattern of development of the area.”

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The applicant also highlighted Eastbourne Borough Council’s lack of a five-year housing supply, which they said should weigh in their favour.

These arguments failed to sway the inspector, however, who concluded that the development would likely be too dense to fit in well with the surrounding area. They also had concerns about the amenity of future residents living in the homes.

The inspector said: “The housing shortfall is acute and therefore I have attached great weight to the benefits of delivering three new homes.

“The proposal would make effective use of land and would contribute to the mix of dwellings in Meads neighbourhood. This is in line with the vision set out in Policy C11 of the Eastbourne Core Strategy. 

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“However, the harm in this particular case would be sufficient to significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits. 

“Therefore, there are no material considerations to justify a decision otherwise than in accordance with the development plan.”

For further information on the proposals see application reference 200339 on the Eastbourne Borough Council website.