We should stop sniping at local MP Amber Rudd

Amber Rudd MP at the jobs fairAmber Rudd MP at the jobs fair
Amber Rudd MP at the jobs fair
From: Keith Piggott, Gillsmans Hill, St.Leonards

By Amber Rudd’s principled stand, Hastings has lost its very own member of cabinet but gains her independent representation. Coincidentally, she faces sniping by local political ‘wannabes’, and is hostage to national events like Prorogation hearings my lay reading of legal evidence to the Supreme Court predicts government defeat with consequences. Oddly, the EU plays Siren music to UK government. Truly “we live in interesting times”, (Confucious).

Labour’s reverses have lost me, and the Liberal EU-rocrats (formerly ‘democrats’), now announce that given a General Election ‘democratic’ majority they shall void Article 50 and reverse largest ever ‘democratic’ instruction to parliament. It doesn’t take a Bertrand Russell to find the logic-bombs in that neither liberal nor democratic aspiration. Good luck in their ‘Eurozone’, and God help their ‘Euro-Defence Forces’ facing-off with Russia in Crimea.

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Logging onto Hastings’ planning website one is greeted by the leader of council, has he any inkling of this arrogant council’s libellous disparagements of our property title?

To assist encroaching development in 2013 they created an entirely false plan showing our N/W boundary moved 4.5m South to disect our historic garages and our West boundary moved 2.5m East into our TPO protected Victorian arboretum; then in 2017 published adjacent developer’s plans showing our West boundary drawn 6m further East – wide enough for a road. It reasonably may be assumed, the leader at least is cogniscant of historic offensive libels his officers repeatedly refused to retract and withdraw from HBC websites; knowing we pensioners cannot afford to go to law.

It reasonably may be assumed he is cognisant, too, of historic also recent planning and ecology offences in or around Gillsmans Hill ‘Ancient Woodlands’ (too many to enumerate here), that his enforcement officers allowed or ignored and took no action nor meaningful sanctions nor even published. So did this prospective Member of Parliament hold political office during the 1996/7 badger-baitings and night-shootings in woodlands his officers ignored – events confirmed by Hastings Badger Society 2000 report of dug-out of badger-setts and dog-baiting pits. I could go on, but the point is made.

Our sitting MP resigned her party’s whip, this Leader has seized his chance of election to parliament – by throwing stones at the incumbent.

We must mark and shall measure this man, his stated policies, and his even more significant silences.

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