LETTER: Retrograde step to close stations

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Having proudly served the community at Horsham, Steyning and Pulborough police stations as a uniform response officer during my 26½ year career I feel qualified in providing my opinion as to the closure plans. Diabolically ridiculous.

The comment by Katy Bourne, Police and Crime Commissioner, stating ‘It’s about putting policing back at the heart of the community’ with contact points shared with other public services is a retrograde step. Basically a cheap option providing lack of facilities and confidence in the police service as an effective organisation protecting the public.

I appreciate that financial matters need addressing to save £50 million by 2015 if that statement is correct however simply selling property and failing to replace officers who leave Horsham begs belief.

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The scenario will be a situation similar to the Beeching cuts made in the 1960s. Disintegration leading to joe public failing to report matters or worse still dealing out instant retribution.

The sale of police houses with dedicated community officers visibly present and available 24 hours a day if necessary installed confidence due to their wealth of knowledge and trust.

It will be interesting should members of the public wish to voice their opinions and concerns regarding the disposal and reallocation of staff which should take place with consultation and examination of the core strategy review program, thus permitting full transparency.


The Street, Capel, Dorking