Food, glorious food

Chestnut Tree House hospiceChestnut Tree House hospice
Chestnut Tree House hospice
Meal times are an important part of the day at Chestnut Tree House.

For some of the boys, a popular breakfast choice is a fried egg sandwich, while others opt for the more traditional cereal selection.

Following a fun-packed morning of activities, crafts and running around, the children, young people and their families all come together with our staff to enjoy a hearty lunchtime meal. There is always plenty of choice with menus focused on the nutritional needs of the children, including vegetarian options.

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One of the most popular options is always spaghetti Bolognese but we also get through a huge amount of jacket potatoes and beans.

Puddings cooked by our fantastic catering team are always yummy and there are also healthy options of fresh fruit. And the afternoons would not be complete without the odd cake, such as luxury lemon drizzle – which I try not to be tempted by.

The variety of dishes created by our cooks always impresses me. Just when you think you’ve sampled everything you can, they come up with a new dish or their own take on a classic, including cuisine from around the world such as simple curries, fragrant Chinese dishes, Mexican fajitas or good old fish and chips. Some children have to be fed through a tube, but that does not stop them from sitting around the dining table with their families and other children who are staying at Chestnut Tree House.

Chestnut Tree House, in Dover Lane, Arundel, cares for over 280 children and young adults from 0-25 years of age with progressive life-limiting conditions.

For more information on Chestnut Tree House visit the website

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