Cast your vote and help shape future of Worthing

Head down to your polling stationHead down to your polling station
Head down to your polling station
Local elections day is here again and while nationally the concept of democracy has taken an enormous battering recently, the Worthing Borough Council elections provide a fascinating contests right across the town’s 11 wards.

The ruling Tories defend all 11 seats but with the resurgence of the local Labour Party, whose successes at the ballot box 12 months ago made them the main opposition party in the council chamber, the local electoral scene actually has a bit of excitement.

If the electorate viewed this poll on the current national state of the parties, I doubt anyone would turn out to vote, but while the ‘apathy party’ will get the best turnout, I still think the farce that is Brexit won’t put people off voting on local issues.

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A local election fought over local policies? Exactly what local politics should be about. Hopefully the voters, whatever colour rosette they follow, will turn out in numbers, and help shape the ongoing future of our town.

Which is more than can be said for the proposed Euro elections in three weeks’ time. At an estimated cost to the British taxpayer of £108million, we find ourselves set to vote for candidates for an assembly regarding which we had previously had a democratic referendum result stating the majority of the electorate didn’t want to be represented at the said assembly!

You actually couldn’t make it up.

While I hope the turnout for today’s elections indicates how important it is for the people of Worthing, I hope the turnout for the Euro elections is that low, that it goes down as one of the biggest protest votes in the history of this country.


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