
Ninfield & Hooe newsNinfield & Hooe news
Ninfield & Hooe news
Brain Strain!!: What a fantastic Quiz Night at the Memorial Hall! Great fun, while stretching the little grey cells to the maximum! Thanks and congratulations to Jan and Martin Wood for researching and putting the questions together, to the Committee for the Ploughman's Supper and all who donated Raffle prizes. Our team was stupendous; Esteemed Mama led the O.H, muggins, and friends Tracey, Debbie and Eleanor to a spectacular 7th position on the leader, halfway, if you're wondering, and we were absolutely thrilled with that! It's a Hot Quiz I tell you! A wonderful £538 was raised, after catering expenses, Fantastic! And, the Hall Co. have also been presented with a cheque for £334 from the Scouts, raised from their Table Sale and other activities going towards the badge for the World Challenge Award. A Huge Thank You!!

Super Saturday no.3: The Charity Auction!: This Saturday, 29th April sees the Memorial Hall stage another event, A Charity Auction, hosted by Ninfield Carnival Assoc., which is a fundraiser for the Carnival and it’s chosen charity, Alzheimers Society/Rural Dementia Action Research. All the fantastic Donated items, including tables and chairs, glassware, china, leisure equipment, vintage clothing; are being taken to the Hall today, Friday 28th from 8pm, and logged into lots ready for viewing on Saturday morning from 10am - 1.30pm.There will be refreshments available during the viewing including Bacon Butties! Doors will re-open for the Sale at 5pm, with the Auction starting at 6pm to finish by 8.30pm, and the Committee are very grateful to Mark Ellin from Burstow & Hewett who is giving his time to take the Sale. Entry is only 50p for the evening, and the refreshments will include Wine, Cheese, Canapes, nibbles, tea and coffee. There will be a bucket for donations, and it is hoped that people will come and support this fun, new venture! Look forward to seeing you there!

Ninfield Local History Group: Thanks to Rod for this..! On Monday 1st May, the N.L.H.G are holding an Open Afternoon, from 2-4pm, in Sparke Pavilion. Everyone is very welcome to go and see what they have gathered in their archives and ask any questions; which they will do their best to answer! The Parish Councillors will also be on hand, and they will be happy to show people around the new facility, with the beautiful area upstairs that has been made available to the History group, and decorated/furnished by them. Drop in for a chat and some light refreshments, call Rod Ffoulkes on 893635 for more info.

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Ninfield Bonfire Society: Friday 5th May, there will be a Coffee Morning , hosted by the Blacksmiths Inn, to help raise funds for the Bonfire Society starting at 11am. There also will be a few stalls there, and representatives of the Bonfire Society will be on hand to promote their events for the rest of the year. There is also a Music Quiz in the Pub on Sunday 7th May, starting at 7pm, with supper provided, teams of 6, only £2 per person -inclusive of Quiz and Food!

1st NInfield Scout Group: Are holding a Family Bingo Night in the Memorial Hall on Saturday 6th May, from 6.30-9.30pm. This event has been brought back by popular demand, as everyone said what a brilliant evening they had! It’s a great evening of Bingo and Games, plus raffle and tombola, and lots of fabulous food; including Nachos, Hot Dogs, popcorn, tuck shop, light refreshments; you can, of course bring your own alcohol! The Raffle prizes include £50 Boden Voucher, £25 Ashburnham Orangery Voucher, tickets to Eastbourne Theatre and much more. Please book your Bingo Night tickets via the Lower Street Stores, or call Veronica on 07714327117, Adults £4, Children £2.

Ninfield Bowls Club: Hooray! It’s the Bowls Season, and here is the first report from Carole Lawrence! On St George’s Day the Club held their Open Afternoon, and there was a very good turnout of current members. The Afternoon Tea was good, as were the slightly dry Bowling Greens!. Saturday 29th sees a match against Northiam, with another against Battle on Sunday and both of these are Rother League, it’s short on practice time! If anyone would like to try out playing Bowls, please turn up at the Club in Ninfield on a Tuesday or Thursday evening at 6pm -8pm. Everyone is very welcome.

Ninfield Horticultural Society: Rose has sent the following..! At the Plant sale last Saturday morning, the Horti took over £500 on plants- a magnificent amount! This will be a great help towards Horti costs for the year. Thank you to all who donated plants and to all the customers; it was also great to see new faces coming to buy! Local Gardens will also be benefiting, and hopefully the Green flyers taken by many will encourage even more people to come to the future events, or join the Society! Email [email protected], or call 892422.

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Neighbourhood Watch, Speed Report: A message from Rod Ffoulkes, with his other ‘Hat’ on, and he has sent this report on TISPOL Speed Week 17th-23rd April, and Sussex Police are supporting the European Traffic Police Network with their campaign to stop drivers speeding in Europe. The Speed limits everywhere are there to look after drivers, but 36% of fatal accidents on roads in Sussex through 2016 were speed related. Please back the campaign; slow down and pay attention to the limits - it’s better to arrive alive than be Dead on time. Communications from Sussex Safer Roads partnership at or email ken’[email protected] for more N.H.W information.

Christian Voices Drama Group: Saturday 13th May - More information on the forthcoming performance by this fabulous Drama group. ‘Christian Voices’ will be presenting ‘The Teacher in the Temple’, which is a lovely, musical play written by Alan Young, with songs by Temi Adeyemi, and directed by Caroline Cox: it depicts the events leading up to Mary and Joseph finding the young Jesus in the Temple. This will be a very popular afternoon’s entertainment, starting at 3pm in the Methodist Church Hall, and you are advised to get there early to secure your seat! Admission is free, but there will be a chance to make a donation to ‘Contact the Elderly’- a support group who reach out to the vulnerable and lonely. Light refreshments will also be available- so put the date in your diary !

Church Services: Sunday 30th April -Methodist Church- 10.30am Service of Worship and Praise with Revd Tricia Williams.

Parish Church: Sunday 30th April St. Mary’s Ninfield -9.30am Parish Eucharist. St Oswald’s Hooe -11.15am Parish Eucharist.

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Keep in Touch: As this Bank Holiday comes and the next is on the Horizon with Wacky Races and other events! Please get any diary entries to me in good time! Call 893699, text 07970650321, email [email protected], tweet @guard_jane. Thanks!

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