Hurst Green village voice

Now the last soggy remnants of the flags and bunting flutter on hedge, pole and fence in Hurst Green, as throughout our land, we shall recall all the events of the Jubilee Week-end with memories of the village coming together in joy.

The last of the events was the lighting of the Beacon at 10.15pm on the Stage Field on Monday.

A large number of people were there, some picnicking by lantern light, others with glowing head gear. The massive moon changing from cinnamon to shining silver,added a surreal sense to the occasion. In the distance could be seen other Beacons from Rye, Tenterden and, nearer at hand, Hawkhurst with fireworks displays illuminating the night sky. A sense of history was strong and timeless.In the light of the glowing flames Graham and his fellow helpers were seen, moving about in the long grass and throwing great logs into the Fire basket.

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A lady in the crowd started, spontaneously, to sing the National Anthem and all joined in. It was an acutely moving moment as no doubt those gathered at the other Beacons we could see, were doing the same thing, culminating the overwhelming occasion on the Mall on Tuesday.

The Beacon was, unexpectedly, at ground level but due to the height of the Field it would have been seen for some distance.

The reason for this was that there had been an objection to the erection of the Beacon and by the time planning permission was granted there was no time to build the base and pole. Despite this sour surprise the evening was unforgettable, a once in a lifetime event, a cross between Guy Fawkes night and a nocturnal picnic all in the long wet grass. One very practical aspect of the damp weather ensured that despite the ground level Beacon there was no danger of sparks causing danger.

Bob Janes and Maureen Harniman have met with the youth worker in the Shop complex and spent some hours there. They and the other committee members are giving it their all.They deserve success with this large undertaking for the benefit of the village.

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June 19 at 10am, at the Village Hall, the Ageing Well project will hold a lunch and meeting for all those interested in this nation-wide scheme to offer more opportunities to the retired. If you would like to attend, transport can be arranged, ring 01273 481 565 or Bob on 01580 861 321.

Battle Area Transport proposals for a “flexible bus service” covering Eastbourne, Tenterden and Rye from Hurst Green and other villages, can be detailed by ringing 01424 772 001 between 9-noon Monday to Friday. Volunteer drivers welcome.

All the allotments are now taken but names can be put on the waiting list.

They certainly look very splendid as one approaches the village or drives through it on the A21.

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There have been complaints about large dogs in the woods running free which have attacked smaller dogs on leads. Please keep dogs under control in the woods as they are used by children and old people as well as dog walkers with little dogs which do not want to be threatened.